
Old Main
Picture of Old Main.

Altgeld Hall
Picture of Atlgeld Hall, which housed the gymnasium for U-School while classes were held in the Allyn Building.

Allyn Building
Five pictures of Allyn Building, which housed U-School prior to Pulliam Hall.

Pulliam Hall
Many pictures of Pulliam Hall which housed U-School from the Fall of 1951 until it closed in 1968.

Faculty List 1940-68
A listing of our faculty members from 1940 thru 1968 as reflected in the yearbooks. Since there were no yearbooks in 1944 and 1945 there is no faculty information for those years.

Children's Story Plaques
Pictures of Children's Story Plaques at the West end of the 1st floor. These plaques at one time adorned the entrances to grade school classrooms before being moved to the end of the hall.

The Lynx
A picture of our cement mascot from the 1967 Tower, as well as a picture of our Lynx in retirement relaxing on the estate he shares with an alumni.

Foyer Engraving
A picture engraving from the 1st floor foyer, which can also be seen numerous times throughout the yearbooks.

School Song
See the words to the school song, as well as hear the music if you have a sound card and speakers or headphones.

Pulliam Hall Opening Article
The article from the Southern Alumnus News Bulletin of September 1951 announcing the opening of Pulliam Hall. Recognize any of the 1st graders who were to become the U-High Class of 1963?

U-School Closing Article
The article from the Daily Egyptian of January 31, 1967 announcing the closing of U-School. A sad day for us all.

U-School's Last Commencement Program
The program from U-High's last commencement exercises held on June 6, 1968.